We have grown up being heavily dosed with the stories of NASA. Like we used to think “Internet” meant “Google”, the only word that came to our mind while talking about Space Travel was “NASA”. Meanwhile, our own space research organisation “ISRO” has got less acknowledgement despite having great contribution in the field. Source Found in 1969, ISRO will complete its 50 years in 2019 and in all the 48 years so far, it has achieved so much we are proud of. ISRO today is acknowledged as World’s one of the most prestigious and leading space organisations. Before ISRO, India had the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) which launched country’s first ever rocket in 1963. Not many know that the first rocket was transported to lift-off pad on a bicycle. The second rocket, which was launched sometime later, was a little bigger and heavier and it was transported in a bullock cart for the lift-off. The whole story of how the legendary scientists like Vikra...
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