
Showing posts from September, 2017

सबसे डरावनी जगहें.. जहाँ सुनाई देती है अजीब सी आवाजें..!!

Cinema भूतों का होना या ना होना हमेशा से एक सवाल रहा है. यह सच है कि हमने उनके अस्तित्‍व को हमेशा नकारा है, लेकिन ऐसे भी कई लोग हैं जिन्‍होंने इस डर का अनुभव किया है. फिल्‍मों की बात छोड़ दें तो असल जीवन में भी ऐसी कई जगहें हैं जहां भूत-प्रेत के होने को लेकर बात होती रही है. आज जानते है भारत की इन्ही भुतहा जगहों के बारे में.. शनिवार वाड़ा Courtesy शनिवरवदा फोर्ट, पुणे इस फोर्ट में एक 13 साल के राजकुमार को क्रूरता से मारे जाने की कहानी खूब प्रचलित है. कहा जाता है कि देर रात और खासकर पूर्णिमा की रात को यहां उस छोटे राजकुमार की सिसकियां और आवाज सुनाई देती है. Courtesy भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली में Delhi-Contonment नाम की ऐसे जगह है, जहां रात में लोगों को एक औरत दिखाई देती है. यह और उनका तब तक पीछा करती है जब तक कि आप उस पूरे एरिया को पार नहीं कर जाते. और हां आप गाड़ी की गति बढ़ा भी लेंगे तो यह Haunted Woman आपका पीछा नहीं छोड़ेगी. Courtesy मुंबई में एक चॉल है, जिसका नाम है डी सूजा चॉल. इस चॉल के पास एक कुआँ है, जहां पानी भरने के दौरान एक औरत की डूबने से म...

‘There was no return plan for the soldiers during the surgical strikes’ book stated

Inspirational Facebook 1,264 Google+ Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Facebook Messenger Google Gmail WeChat Telegram Share Fighting a war is never easy, kill or die are the only two options on the battle field. Neighbouring countries India and Pakistan have always been aggressive on the border line. From the famous 1973 war to Kargil war all these events had many stories of bravery of the Indian soldiers. From last several years, Pakistani administration are doing illegal and betrayal attacks through their soldiers and also with the help of some terrorist organisation, which caused harm to the military of Indian defence. But last year, India retreated to this cheap activity of Pakistani goverment, the surgical strike along the Line of Control were perfect and concluded with speed of flash which destroyed the evil conspiracy of Pakistan. The major who led the courageous mission, says that the return was never easy and bullets fired by the enemy soldiers were so close that th...

20 Japanese Horror Films That Will Not Let You Sleep For Next Few Nights

As a fan of the horror genre, we are still waiting to see a film in Bollywood which can scare the hell out of audience. But, until the time a film like this actually happens here, why not check out some real poop popping movies made slightly far from India. Yes, the Asian country Japan has made a series of films which are scary enough to satisfy your fear loving nerve. So without wasting your time, bookmark this page and make sure to watch all the movies one by one. Note: The films are way too scary and include a lot of blood and gore. 1. Battle Royale Source Students of junior high school are forced by the Japanese government to compete in a death match between each other, with one victorious survivor to be allowed to leave. The film directed by Kinji Fukasaku involves bloodshed which makes you uncomfortable and questions the validity of your moral values. The performance of Takeshi Kitano is icing on the cake. 2. Suicide Circle Source Directed by S...